Start Living That Better Life Now!

What do you want to do with the rest of life? Whatever it is, today is a good day as any to get started living. Stop worrying about what others (family, friends, co-workers) think, misery loves company, most don’t want you to succeed.

How much time do you think you have? You know tomorrow isn’t promise, so why the hell do you keep procrastinating. Miracles don’t just happen, you work your ass off, and you make miracles happen.

Apply your principles (guiding conduct), work smart and you can start living that better life today. You want to lose weight, start now. What are you waiting on? You hate your job, start your own business, not tomorrow or one day, but today. The longer you wait the harder it gets, shame and regret will settle in, you will hate and resent yourself, because you know you’re capable of so much more.

From this day forward make a pledge to yourself “no half steppin” stop following the herd. Chart your own course, do your thing, and be ORIGINAL (Offer Real Insight Give Inspiration Nurture Apply Live).

Peace and Happiness
Thank you for reading,


2 Comments on “Start Living That Better Life Now!

  1. Reblogged this on Whimsically Yours and commented:

    The reason I love the writing, publishing community so much is that you have a bunch of people who (for the most part) have been passionate about reading, writing, etc…since they were little. They’re honestly the BIGGEST population of people I know who are simply following their dreams and doing the work they want to do. They might not be there yet, ex. many of us want to be published or be a full-time writer but aren’t yet however they do it, they write after putting the kids to bed, they intern/have a job at a publisher they love remotely while still having a day job. These people are incredible…and you can follow suit. I always say if there’s something you really want to do you need to be doing it and working to get there now, as my dad says in this post, “tomorrow isn’t promised.” When life flashes before your eyes, make sure it’s worth watching. -Patrice
    If you want it, you’ve got to go for it now.

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