Ebola: why hasn’t a pandemic ever started in Brooklyn?

Jon Rappoport hits the nail on the head “problem, reaction, solution” don’t believe the hype everything is manufactured or exploited to the max to get your consent, fear sales.

How To Eliminate Junk Food Cravings Once And For All

junk food

Junk food sells. The junk food (snacks + fast food) market is driven by demand. People love chips, cookies, crackers, and candies. The annual combined revenue for snacks and fast foods is somewhere in the neighborhood of 190 billion. To put this in prospective, revenue in the fast food industry alone has grown from 6 billion in 1970 to 160 billion in 2013. And there is no end in sight. New products are constantly being developed and fast food restaurants are popping up on just about every city corner in the U.S.

There would seem to be a correlation between junk foods and obesity. The cities with the most fast food restaurants have the fattest populations. Go to the grocery store the people with all the snack junk foods in their basket are the most overweight. So, why is the demand for junk food so high? Is it marketing? Are we all domed to becoming fat and obese? Or is there a way to fight back and take control of your health, by eliminating junk food cravings, once and for all?

Why do people crave junk food?

Fast/snack foods primarily get you hooked because food manufacturers are highly skilled at combining salt, sugar, and fat that excites your brain to make you want more and more. Remember the Lay’s potato chip ad “I Bet You Can’t Eat Just One,” well there’s a reason. Potatoes are a starch (sugar). Slice them thin, fry them in oil (fat), and add lots of salt and you have the secret to Lay’s success. You will find this trilogy of ingredients as the driving force behind the consumption of all processed, snack, and fast foods. The subject runs deeper but here are the basics: all junk foods are loaded with salt, sugar and fat.

5 Step Solution to Eliminate Junk Food Cravings

  1. One Ingredient Diet – This is simple enough, only eat foods that are one ingredient. This includes meats, vegetables, fruits, nut, seeds, beans, and eggs. Don’t worry yourself with popular diets, e.g. low carbohydrates and low fat, just remember one ingredient.
  2. Don’t eat after dinner – Finish eating dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime. Don’t interrupt the fasting period – the time between your last meal and breakfast should be 11 to 12 hours. Constantly interrupting the fasting period throwing your hormone out of balance increases your risk of catching diseases and weight gain.
  3. Eat 2 – 3 meals a day – Space meals 5 hours, or more, apart. This allows for insulin and glucagon to do their jobs. Insulin is highest within 3 hours after consuming a meal. Its job is to carry calories to other locations throughout your body. During this time the body is in storage mood and cannot burn fat. Three to five hours after eating insulin levels should be returning to pre-meal levels. In turn the hormone glucagon rises; glucagon allows the body to regulate the utilization of sugar (glucose) and fats. One of the duties of glucagon is breaking down stored fat into fatty acids for use as fuel for cells. So snacking between meals interrupts this fat burning process and keeps you in a fed mood (fat storage). This is a simple explanation to a complex process but the take away is that insulin and glucagon hormones work together to keep blood sugar (glucose) levels balanced.
  4. Don’t overeat – Always stop eating when you are slightly less than full. Let physical activity drive your eating. The more active you or the more strenuously you exercise the more you should eat. Determine how much you will serve yourself before you start putting food on your plate. Once it’s on the plate you will likely eat it.
  5. Don’t eat when stressed – This is easier said than done, stress drives us to emotional, uncontrolled eating. Stress causes the release of two hormones: adrenalin, which gives us instant energy, and cortisol, which helps us replenish energy after stress. Cortisol stays elevated well after the stress has passed. This increases your appetite and makes you overeat. Stress management is a must for our busy modern day lives. Meditation has been shown to be a powerful tool in combating stress. Also strenuous exercise like Burst Training is great for reducing cortisol. Stress is not going away, but there are ways we can reduce and properly deal with it.

Junk food is here to stay. Government policies won’t slow down the sales. It’s up to you to take control of your health today by implementing these 5 steps. If you find these steps useful, please leave me a comment. BFIT DON’T QUIT!

Peace and Happiness

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Short and Simple


Keep your exercise routines (workouts) short and simple that’s my philosophy.  After all the purpose of exercise is to improve your performance.  Why else would you be doing it?  By keeping your workout short, you’re able to keep your intensity (focus) high.

My workouts consist of squats, deadlift, overhead press, pull-ups and kettlebell swing.  The workout looks something like this – squats 5 sets & 5 reps, deadlift 1 set & 5 reps, overhead press 5 sets & 5 reps, pull-ups 5 sets & 8 reps, and kettlebell swing (alternating hand) 1 set for 5 minutes.  That’s it I perform this workout  every Mon., Wed., & Fri. it takes about 30 – 40 minutes for me to do, depending on my energy level that day.  This simple workout gets the job done for me.  It keeps me strong and injury free.  I change the sets, reps, and order around every couple of weeks, but I stick to this basic workout.

The bottom line for me is I have found what works, so “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”.  Fad will come and go in the fitness industry, don’t get caught up.  Find what works for you, do it often, develop a foundation of strength and proficiency.  Stop jumping from fad to fad, WOD, and the latest DVD, it’s not sustainable.

Peace and Happiness

Thank you for reading,


Mass Confusion

mass confusion

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

-Malcolm X

The media plays a major role in all of our lives, especially if you are mainstream and caught up in pop-culture.  The fitness industry is no different it’s controlled by the media, (pop-culture).  The fitness industry is not the entertainment industry, but we do a lot of entertaining in the fitness industry, because the pop-culture needs entertainment to stay interested.  The fitness industry is driven by the latest fad from P90X, Spin, Body Pump, Tabata, Kettlebell, Crossfit, Tae Bo, etc but there is nothing new under the sun, its not about the programs or tool(s) you use, it’s about you.

The tools and program(s) doesn’t matter much for the general population (which is most of us) what matter is:

  1. Do you have the knowledge to put together a complete program.
  2. Do you have a plan of action that’s going to get you results.
  3. Do you know how to troubleshoot your program when your progress stops.
  4. Do you have a support system in place to help when times get tough.

This is mainly what it comes down to, the simplest program will work, but simple does mean easy.  A program of squats, push-ups, and pull-ups will suffice.  This simple program has an endless number of variations on how it can be performed, it’s up to one’s imagination.  But imagination these days is in short supply, because the illusion is that we have so many choices. This illusion leads to delusion, because we are worst off today – health, fitness, strength, mobility,  and nutrition, wise than any time in recent history.  We have gyms, coaches, trainers, YouTube, Facebook, DVD’s, but our health is going to hell.

Fitness, health is not about entertainment, it’s about performance.  That should be the goal of your fitness program, “to improve your performance”.  If you are one who gets bored, and need constant entertainment to do something, that you should be doing, that will give you great benefits,  then you have a greater problem.  The bottom line is to pick a exercise program or activity you enjoy doing and stick with it, regardless of pop-culture fads.  There is no best program, people will argue, this and that, but at the end of the day “Don’t Believe The Hype”!

Peace and Happiness

Thank you, for reading



I Don’t Know

“Empty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain totality.”
― Bruce Lee

If there is one thing that I have learned in life is “I know” that “I don’t know”. To say I don’t know is very liberating. Being a fitness professional people are always confiding in me or asking me questions about ailments, injuries, nutrition, supplements, relationships, etc and to tell the truth I don’t always have an answer. When I was younger I had a hard time saying “I don’t know” my ego needed for me to always have an answer. But I don’t have all the answers and neither does anyone. Just because you are an expert in one field doesn’t make you Misstra Know-It-All. To always think you have all the answers is very confining to your physical, mental and spiritual health. Once you think you have all the answers, you become closed, there isn’t room for growth.

Peace and Happiness
Thank you, for reading



“I’m not in this world
To live up to your expectations
Neither are you here to live up to mine, yeah
I don’t owe no one
No obligation”

Peter Tosh – I Am That I Am

Expectations high and low are the ruination of relationships and situations. It’s best to keep your expectations for yourself, not for others. And if you do make the mistake of placing high or low expectations on others don’t be surprised if they don’t or want meet your expectations. You see there is expectation and then there is reality. You have every right to expect such and such or expect a person to behave a certain way, but reality doesn’t always equal expectations. Which creates a problem for you, a problem you totally created through your expectations. But we all place expectations on people and situations all the time. This is somewhat insane behavior because in reality your expectations can’t control situations or people’s actions.

Expectations are illusions or premeditated resentment, we place our displeasure or judgement on people or situations, from pass experience or the limited information we’ve gathered. Expectations are also our way to create order (one plus one equals two), our mind likes order. However reality is the punch in the mouth. As Mike Tyson once said, “everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth”. So when our expectations are not fulfilled we become disappointed. We behave like the little kid that takes his ball home because the other kids want play how and when he want them to play. We want everything our way, but life isn’t one way, and the other little kids have every right to not play with the “ball hog kid” the next time he comes around. Yes, you have the right to expect something of me, and I have the right to disappoint you, and I also have the right to not give a damn when you are disappointed. As harsh as it sounds, people don’t have to follow our script.

Yes, we often follow scripts to meet others expectations. The workplace is full of actors, reading from the same script, auditioning for the same role, trying to meet the unsustainable expectations of their co-workers and bosses. Everyday is different, meaning we have high and low energy days. We aren’t always in the best of moods, or should I say a talkative mood. But people expect you to be talkative and upbeat, and if you’re not they talk about you around the water cooler. So to not be talked about people, or miss out on promotions people feel obligated to contort themselves to others expectations. Which is a big mistake, because they will still talk about you, and you may not get that promotion. So be true to yourself place expectations on yourself not others.

Peace and Happiness
Thanks for reading,

Be Prepared


Be prepared is good advise to live by, but so many people fail to receive this message. We should be prepared because shit happens everyday that we have absolutely no control over. We only control how we response, and that is totally determined by our preparedness.

Preparedness goes hand in hand with survival. Your preparedness directly effects your chance of survival, in an emergency situation. Preparedness start with practice, the more you practice/train, the more you will be ready in good times and bad. Maintaining your physical and mental health should be a major part of your overall preparedness plan. You never know when you may have think quick on your feet, run or climb a tree for your safety.

Is your workout routine preparing you for the zombie apocalypse? Just kidding! But seriously your workouts should have some real world transferable functional components to it. The human body is designed to push, pull, run, jump, climb, squat, crawl, etc. so be sure to incorporate these movements into your regular workout routine to improve your body’s efficiency in these movements. Also don’t forget these exercises (deadlift, push ups, pull ups, renegade rows, goblet/sandbag squats, rope climbing, sprints, and obstacle course training) incorporate a few of these into your regular workout routine as well. You will greatly increase your strength, agility, endurance, and power which would be very helpful in day to day life and surviving the zombie apocalypse if and when it happens.

Preparedness isn’t only physical, to truly be prepared you have to be equally mentally prepared (tough). How does one prepare to be mentally tough? Mental toughness isn’t developed overtime, it’s ongoing process, it takes time. Also mental toughness isn’t just about acting tough. Being tough goes alone with resilient, flexibility , persistence, consistency and discipline. A great way to prepare yourself for challenging situations is to consistently perform challenging workouts like: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), & Circuit Training, Strongman Training, powerlifting. Also schedule regular training sessions outdoors in the elements rain or shine.

Preparedness should be a part of all peoples lifestyle, because you just never know when SHTF. Being prepared has a lot to do with physical and mental strength, but there is so much more (food, water, shelter, weapons, skills in using weapons, well trained security people, faith, good leadership, community, etc.) that I’m not covering because it can be overwhelming. So take your time be good to yourself, prepare for life because there is always something around the corner waiting.

Peace and Happiness
Thank You for reading,



“A slight wave of the hand, a stamp of the foot, a sudden shout, etc., can produce sensory or radiations sufficient to reduce coordination. This mechanism is at the reflex level of human behavior and even many years of athletic experience cannot erase the distracting effects of extraneous stimuli”.

Bruce Lee – Tao of Jeet Kune Do

The feint is used to distract an opponent, opening them up for an attack. We have feints (money, success, wants, sports, celebrity gossip, entertainment news, unreality TV, politics, etc.) directed at us everyday, some of us get distracted, and we get hit with a lead jab the real attack. Our opponents are successful at using feints because they make it appear to be a simple movement of attack (real or important). We throw our hands up to block (give them our attention) a punch (feint), but open ourselves up for a front kick to the stomach (the real attack, that causes much damage). The fight continues this way, they feint we move and end up getting hit over and over again.

The latest feint directed at us is the disappearing plane. We will never get the true story concerning this matter. It’s the big news story. All the news networks are bringing out their experts to talk about it, everyone has a theory. It’s a feint (a distraction, misdirection) to keep our attention away from the real attacks that’s happening now. My antenna always goes up when all of the talking heads are in sync. They all have their talking points, none of the experts they have on as guest say anything original or out of the box. Let them say anything that is off script, and they are quickly shouted down and cut off. It’s all a controlled show, the dice are loaded, the game is fixed.

As long as we sit back and wait (let our opponent dictate the fight) the feint will do us end. We will continue to get hit. To be more effective you have to attack and counter attack (do your own thing in your own unique way). Get the opponent off guard, you feint and make them move, take the fight to them. Oh! You didn’t know you were in a fight. You’re one of those “lover not a fighter” type. Well, lover you’re getting your ass kicked, better start fighting soon before it’s to late. We are all in a fight 24/7, 365 for control of our minds, because if you don’t control it, someone or something else will. Prepare your body, mind and spirit. Choose your battles wisely, beware of the feint, the fight is here wether you want it or not.

Peace and Happiness
Thanks for Reading,



Does exercise do what you think it does? Yes, and so much more. However, the primary reason why most people take up exercise is for weight loss. There are those of us who exercise on daily bases because we like it. But, we are in the minority for the most part the majority of people don’t like (maybe hate) exercise.

The beginning of every new year is a big time when people start new exercise programs. I guess the new year symbolizes some type of new beginning, so people feel motivated to exercise. These are some of the promises people make to themselves every year: I will get in the best shape of my life, I will lose the fat, I will fit in my skinny jean, I will wear a two piece swimsuit, and I will get in shape for my high school class reunion. But by the third week of February the crowds at the gym are gone, all the new member are nowhere to be found. Why? Well to put it simply these people got caught up in the hype (marketing).

The people who sell exercise magazines, equipment, gym memberships, and products know how to get you stirred up. They show you pictures of fit and sexy fitness model, doing fitness related stuff. You think to yourself that could be me if I did the same stuff. Yeah Right!!! This is pretty much the thinking of the average sedentary “wanna be fit” person. I just need to get in the gym and start working out and all will be well. But all is not well, four weeks into your exercise program you haven’t loss a pound, actually you have gained two pounds. You get discouraged, you quit. Back to lunch you go with the buffet boys and girls.

What happen? You forgot that slow and steady wins the race. The exercise industry promises or subliminally promotes, quick results. Magazines articles state “Get Buns of Steel in six weeks by doing these three exercise”. Supplement companies use popular fitness models to promote their fat burning products. Exercise equipment companies claim using their equipment will get you ripped in a flash for only $199.99. All of this is BS.

Real and lasting results take time. Make exercise part of your lifestyle not just an event. Find what works for you (what you like) and stick with it. Stay away from critics of all types (friends, foes, co-workers, Facebook warriors, etc). Be good to yourself!!!

Peace and Happiness
Thanks for reading,

Peace and Happiness
Thanks for reading,

Gradual Consistency

Spring is almost here and just about everyone has come up short on their New Year’s resolution whatever it was, but especially if it was to workout more and lose weight. Year after year people make resolutions to workout more, eat right ( whatever that means) and lose weight. And most fail terribly, not making it to February before they crack. Most people fail because they take giant steps, they go from doing nothing (sitting on their ass all day) to working out 4 – 5 days a week. They go from eating SAD (Standard American Diet) to eating a strict low carb type diet. These people go from one extreme to another. Where is the middle ground, where is the moderation, and where is the gradual consistency.

Gradual as in moving at a moderate even pace, aka small steps, and consistency meaning adhering to your program day after day. So why do so many people fail when it comes to making changes? They forget to move gradually, the mind is more acceptant of change if it comes in small increments, almost being unnoticeable. For the most part we are resistant to change, change scares people, change takes people out of their comfort zone. Yes there are those that seemingly change overnight but they are the exception.

So in order for a change in your behavior to be lasting it has to be gradual almost unnoticeable. Gradual leads to consistency, drastic or giant steps leads to resistance. Let look at it this way. You start an exercise program say running, (this is what most people think of when they start exercising) you go out buy all your gear now you’re ready. BAM! the first day you go off and run three miles, second day you run three miles again, third day everything is so sore (knees, hips, lower back, ankles) you can hardly move. Now how long do you think you will be able to keep this up. At some point your mind will say enough is enough and you will become more and more resistant to the idea of running. Why? Because you mind associates running with pain, and the thought of pain makes you quit.

Now let’s try a more gradual approach, the first day instead of running three miles, you go out and do a mile. You walk the first half a mile and run the second half a mile, next day you go for a two mile walk, third day you walk/run a mile again. This gradual approach would better lead to consistency. Why? Less pain, so your mind which controls your body is more accepting of this treatment than the more aggressive approach of zero to three miles a day of pain and eventually injuries.

The same goes for your nutrition, diets only work as long as you follow them. Most diets are hard for people to incorporate as part of their lifestyle. Diets are about restrictions, the more restrictive a diet, the less adherent you will have to that diet. So instead of taking away let’s see what we can add (more veggies, fruits, water and herbal teas). By adding more good whole foods – veggies and fruits we indirectly subtract other less desirable foods (chips, pastries, breads, cereals). So we subtract by adding a more gradual acceptable approach to the mind. Why? It’s less restrictive which should lead to more consistency, more restriction more resistance.

Gradual consistency work for all aspects of our lives (social, spiritual, finance, personal relationship, and health) practice it daily, all good things take time, all good things are worth the work.

Peace and happiness
Thanks for reading,